Thursday, February 10, 2011

Some of THE Bestest Restaurant&Lounges to visit in the DMV(DC Metropolitan Area)this ♥-Day! or any

Co Co Sala MY FAV!!!4the Chocolate L♥vers!
929 F St NW
(between N 9th St & N 10th St)
Washington, DC 20004
(202) 347-4265

Oya Restaurant & Lounge
777 9th Street Northwest
Washington D.C 20001
(202) 393-1400

444 7th Street NW                                                    
Washington DC 20004

Lima Restaurant and Lounge
1401 K street NW,
Washington D.C
(202) 789-2800

Mandarin Oriental
1330 Maryland Ave SW
Washington, DC 20024
(202) 787-6006


515 15th St NW
(between N Alexander Hamilton Pl & N Pennsylvania Ave)
Washington, DC 20004
(202) 661-2400

 Zola Seafood & Bar
800 F St NW
(between N 8th St & N 9th St)
Washington, DC 20004
Neighborhood: Penn Quarter
(202) 654-0999

BRABO by Robert Wiedmaier
1600 King Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
(703) 894-3440

110 S Pitt Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
(703) 706-0450

Restaurant & Lounge
1800 Connecticut Ave NW
Washington DC 20009
(202) 234-9433

777 I St NW
(between N 7th St & N 8th St) 
Washington, DC 20001
Neighborhood: Chinatown
(202) 742-8550

1001 Pennsylvania Ave
(between N 10th St & N 11th St) 
Washington, DC 20004
(202) 626-0015

2030 M Street NW 
Washington, DC 20036 
p 202.872.8700

3241 M St NW
(between N Potomac St & N Wisconsin Ave) 
Washington, DC 20007
Neighborhood: Georgetown
(202) 625-4488

The Ritz Carlton Georgetown
3100 South St NW Washington, DC 20007
Neighborhood: Georgetown
(202) 912-4100

3125 M Street, NW
Washington DC 20007
Phone: 202.333.6122 

1509 17th St., NW

Sushi Taro Best Sushi In The DMV
1503 17th Street, NW, 
Washington, DC 20036, USA (17th & P street)
TEL : 202-462-8999

2941 Fairview Park Drive, 
Falls Church, VA 22042

Just a Few Creative tips for the Gentlemen on Valentines Day!!!

Girls like to be pampered , I'm sure you know....But Valentines day is supposed to celebrate your love and appreciation for her being your woman and standing by your side even though you know good and well she could have left for something dumb you did! Well pay attention! Be Creative. ( you know the saying do unto others what you want done to yourself....I don't know if I believe that anymore for a man's case, but do it for your woman and I'm 99% sure you will get amazing treatment in return!)

  •  Advertise your love for your woman. Rent a billboard that she passes on a regular bases and have a sweet message put on it or maybe a picture of you two....I promise this will be remembered forever. If you do not have the funds to do that go to Home Depot and rent a flat piece of wood  and paint your message or simply order advertisements from kinkos and leave it somewhere publicly she would be able to drive past or run into someway(the sign will probably be taken down shortly after by someone but who cares as long as she gets to see it! I made a sign for my anniversary about 2yrs ago and hammered into the ground on the side of the road my man passes on the way to work it read "Happy Anniversary Will I love You Soooo Much" it was taken down by someone about three weeks later)
  • Bedroom Surprise!!! Just to know that you took the time to do all of this will mean so much
        What You will need:
        About two dozen roses(they don't have to be the best quality)
        A bunch of candles(you can get this from the dollar store)
        A hotel room, Bedroom, House with Kitchen
        2blank CD's
        Pictures of you and your honey
        Frames (can get this from dollar store also)
        Maybe some cool things from your local toy store ;)
        Your Favorite sweet toppings
        Blind fold
    • Make a Cd of love songs that mean something to both of you or how you feel about her and decorate the room(hotel, your bedroom....etc.) with pictures of the two of you(you can also buy frames from the dollar store if low on funds and copy your pictures from online onto a CD and take to CVS for prints about $8) Maybe have a meal prepared if your at home. If your at a hotel go to dinner before hand and have everything prepared in the room before you arrive(except for the burning candles!) Take the petals off the roses and be creative with the layout of the rose petals(make sure the carpet isn't white or else you might have to use false petals)...maybe a heart shape on the bed petals leading to the bed or the tub(you know what to do) have the CD you made play on repeat with the candles burning.....Make sure you have her wait outside while you prepare....or prepare inside, have her in a blind fold!
  • Make a I love You Box fill it with 100-1000 reasons of why you love her(written or typed on small cut up pieces of paper).....WARNING:she might cry!
  • Go to a local Comedy show...they usually give you the option of dinner before hand. After the show is over, go to a coffee or dessert place nearby to enjoy a sweet treat and re-cap the night's funny lines. 
  • Go to It asks you to answer simple questions and it sends you a hardbound book. Its inexpensive and you can pass it down for generations. it can be for any occasion.
  • Don't be afraid to go all out if you have the funds to do so... romantic get a ways...are always a plus..but remember to involve your creativity so she know you took your  time and energy out for her not only your funds!
  • Choose your own adventure day. This is an idea Written By: Curtis Humphrey(Adelaide,South Australia)
Hi guys, Just wanted to share with you an idea i had (and played out) with my then fiancee (now wife).

It worked perfectly and she really loved it.

This wasn't for any special occasion, just a treat but you could of course use this for ANY occasion. (but you get bonus points for doing stuff for no occasion, remember that)

Firstly i picked out a bunch of places that i thought my wife may like to visit for the following:

So i picked out two locations for each of the above. From there i wrote a little story from the time i picked her up through all of the above locations in a "Choose your own adventure book" style. For example.

"After our beloved couple had finished there swim Jo turned to Curtis and said "I'm getting a bit hungry, where do you want to go for Lunch?". "How about place1 or place2?" replied Curtis.

Does our couple choose to goto place1? turn to page 12
Does our couple choose to goto place2? turn to page 15"

So something like the above, phrased in any which way you prefer. You could give the day a super hero theme or something if your into that, the ideas are endless.

Anyway so creating this book is only the first part. The other 3 things you'll need to think about are transport, a digital camera and finalizing the book (i'll explain this later).

So the next move is to find transport. Personally i choose to hire 2 scooters and we traveled round on them for the day but if your on a budget you could do this idea for free by walking or riding. Alternatively you could drive or catch transport but unless your doing that in a limo then that may take some of the romance out of it.

So as i said, i choose scooters. From here i'll explain how the day worked and you'll get the gist of what else you will need to do.

So i picked her up early in the morning from her house, not letting her know where we were going (i'd already told her what to bring clothes wise) and off we went. We drove down to a scooter hire store near the beach and when we pulled into the parking lot I gave her the book. The first line of which read "What are we doing here?" which was of course her very comment as we pulled up. And thus the story had begun. (In the book i mostly guessed what she was likely to say). So from there we, using the book, made our way to our breakfast location, then for a cruise down the coast, then to the beach, then to a lunch location, to shopping (always a win with girls) then onto Tea then finally back to the scooter store.

The whole day i was taking LOTS of photo's, this is key as you'll need these photo's later.

Needless to say she was pretty happy with the day out. But oh no no no the romantic story hasn't finished yet. Because what you are now going to do boys is to re-write the story, exactly how it happened (even funny things that were said or spotted out etc) then you're going to get all the pictures and put it throughout your whole story (i used a program i downloaded online to make all my pictures animated, just to add some style) then make a nice front and back cover and either bind it yourself or get it made up professionally (i bound mine myself and she still loved it). Then with some chocolates and a Kiss, hand her the book and thank her for being the most awesome girl you've ever known.

Trust me if this doesn't win you some brownie points.... well you need to change girls......                                               

  • Make one of her Life fantasies or dreams come true. Something you know shes always wanted to do like ride in a hot air balloon, sky diving, camp in the backyard, picnic in the park...etc.
  • What you do must come from your heart.Being Creative is a good option if you are low on funds. As long as you show that you put your mind, time, and energy into whatever you choose to do she will love it! There is no excuse for not doing anything for the person you are with on Valentines truly is the thought that counts....for creative ideas on a budget, with no money involved or to ask for V-Day advice contact me @: